Use all organic ingredients as well as raw dairy ingredients when possible
Beet Kvas
3 medium organic beets, peeled and cut into 1-2” cubes
2” piece ginger, peeled and sliced
1 L water
1 Tb Himalayan salt
1 ½ L glass jar (I use a Fido jar, with an airlock)
1 envelope of veggie culture (opt)
Add cubed beets to the glass jar, filling jar ⅓ – ½ full. Add ginger. Mix salt with water, stir to dissolve the salt. Fill the jar to the shoulder with the water mixture. Add culture if using, stir. Cover tightly or add an airlock. Store on the counter at room temperature for 5-10 days. Cover the sides with a towel to block the light. After 5 days, give it a taste. If it’s salty – continue to ferment. If not – move to the refrigerator. It will continue to slowly ferment in the refrigerator. I think it tastes the best after 4-6 weeks in the refrigerator. But you can start drinking 2-4 oz daily anytime.
Beet kvass is great for digestion and cleansing the liver.
½ gallon raw whole milk or organic pasteurized whole milk (non-homogenized if possible)
⅓ c organic whole fat plain commercial yogurt or from a previous batch of yogurt
If raw, gently heat milk to 105⁰-110⁰. Remove from heat and add the yogurt, stir well. If pasteurized, heat milk to 180⁰, then cool down to 110⁰. Add yogurt, stir well. Pour into glass jars, seal tightly or add an airlock. Either – place in a warmed oven (turned off) for 24 hours, then move to refrigerator – or place in a dehydrator set to 95⁰ for 24 hours, then move to refrigerator. Raw milk yogurt will be thinner than pasteurized milk yogurt.
Homemade yogurt is full of great probiotics!
Soaked and Dried Nuts and Seeds
Most nuts and seeds should be soaked in a brine overnight to neutralize enzyme inhibitors. These enzyme inhibitors strain the digestive system. Also, soaking and drying nuts and seeds reduces rancidity. The book ‘Nourishing Traditions’ is a great resource for soaking nuts and seeds as well as many other recipes.
Crunchy Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds, Pecans, and Walnuts
4 cups of a hulled seeds or nuts
2 Tb Himalayan sea salt
Place seeds/nuts in a bowl, add salt and cover with water. Leave on the counter for at least 7 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse well. Spread out on a stainless steel baking sheet and bake in a 150⁰ oven for 12-24 hours, turn occasionally, until dry and crisp. Or, place in a dehydrator at 135⁰ for 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp. Store in an airtight container. Walnuts should be stored in the refrigerator due to their high level of linolenic acid, to avoid rancidity.
Crunchy Almonds
4 cups of almonds
1 Tb Himalayan sea salt
Place seeds/nuts in a bowl, add salt and cover with water. Leave on the counter for at least 7 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse well. Spread out on a stainless steel baking sheet and bake in a 150⁰ oven for 12-24 hours, turn occasionally, until dry and crisp. Or, place in a dehydrator at 135⁰ for 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp. Store in an airtight container. Walnuts should be stored in the refrigerator due to their high level of linolenic acid, to avoid rancidity.
Crunchy Cashews
4 cups cashews
1 Tb Himalayan sea salt
Place cashews in a bowl, add salt and cover with water. Leave on the counter no longer than 6 hours. They will become slimy if left longer. Drain and rinse well. Spread out on a stainless steel baking sheet and bake in a 200⁰ oven for 12-24 hours, turn occasionally, until dry and crisp. Or, place in a dehydrator at 135⁰ for 12-24 hours, until dry and crisp.